Ch. 2 Review Questions Flashcards


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Practice questions for this set

Which of the following is not an example of virtualization software that can be used lớn install Linux within another operating system?

a. Oracle VirtualBox

b. Microsoft Hyper-V

c. Spiceworks

d. VMware

What is the mặc định shell in Linux called?
a. SH
b. BSH
c. CSH

What equivalent lớn the man command generally provides an easier-to-read description
of the queried command and also contains links lớn other related information?
a. who
b. man help
c. man -descriptive
d. info

What command can you use lớn safely shut down the Linux system immediately?
a. shutdown -c
b. shutdown -r
c. down
d. halt

What command is equivalent lớn the man -k từ khóa command?
a. find keyword
b. man keyword
c. apropos keyword
d. appaloosa keyword

Which of the following is not a piece of information that the Fedora installation program
prompts you for?
a. time zone
b. package selection
c. firewall settings
d. host name
e. keyboard layout

Linux commands entered via the command line are not case sensitive. True or False?

Which command blanks the terminal screen, erasing previously displayed output?
a. erase
b. clean
c. blank
d. clear

When sitting at a computer running Linux, what key combination is pressed lớn open the
graphical terminal?
a. Ctrl+Alt+G
b. Ctrl+Alt+F4
c. Ctrl+Alt+F1
d. Ctrl+7

After you log in lớn a terminal, you receive a user interface called a _____.
b. shell
c. text box
d. command screen

Users enter commands directly lớn the kernel of the Linux operating system. True or

How can you protect a metacharacter (such as the $ character) from shell
a. Precede it with a /.
b. Follow it with a \.
c. Precede it with a $.
d. It cannot be done because metacharacters are essential.
e. Precede it with a \.

You know a Linux command will perform a desired function for you, but you cannot
remember the full name of the command. You vì thế remember it will flush a variable from your system. Which command typed at a command prompt displays a list of commands
that would likely contain the command you desire?
a. man -k flush
b. man -k find all
c. man flush
d. man -key flush

Which command displays the users who are currently logged in lớn the Linux system?
a. finger
b. who
c. id
d. date

Which of the following packages can be used lớn standardize configuration files across
Linux systems?
a. Samba
b. Apache
c. NIS
d. NFS

Which prompt does the root user receive when logged in lớn the system?
a. $
b. @
c. #
d. !