cURL Connection Reset by Peer – How do we Fix it?


Introduction: cURL Connections And Reseting by Peer

Encountering trouble with the cURL 56 recv prevention connection reset by a peer in the CentOS server? How vì thế we fix cURL Connection Reset by Peer? The slip-up happens essentially because of disappointment in getting network data.

Around here at ARZHOST, we routinely get sales lớn fix cURL errors as a part of our Server Management Services. Today, we should jump into the shades of how our Hosting Expert Planners fix this error.

Why does cURL 56 recv discontent connection reset by peer occurs?

Bend error 56 is a concise mistake that happens as a result of different reasons lượt thích, inert server connection, firewall disorders, whitespace in the URL, etc

For instance, the screw-up appears as follows, We should detail how our Hosting Expert Planners fix this for our customers.

How vì thế we fix this mix-up cURL error?

Around here at ARZHOST, we have expertise in regulating servers, we see various customers standing up lớn errors. It happens predominantly when getting group revives, placing in new programming, etc

As of now, “cURL Connection Reset by Peer – How vì thế we fix it?”, what about we see the critical reasons and how our Hosting Expert Planners fix this mistake?

Idle Server Connection

Lately, one of the customers pushed toward us with a cURL error. He was getting the going with error while moving the tư vấn lớn the far-off objective.

  • Curve error 56: TCP connection reset by peer

So we checked the tư vấn log archives and certified that the fortifications have been created successfully. On further checking, we saw that the server was dormant while moving the fortifications lớn the distant goal. “cURL Connection Reset by Peer – How vì thế we fix it?”, Regardless, the lines were successfully exchanged lớn Google Drive.

If your cURL is giving your a retr Response 550, kiểm tra out our article on How lớn tackle cURL (78) retr Response 550.

Also, lớn avoid the current situation, the tips we follow are:

  • We for the most part update the customer’s OS lớn avoid TCP/IP issues.
  • Similarly, we use the new types of PHP and cURL.
  • Set the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) or the size of packages going over the association lớn the mặc định region, 1500 bytes.
  • We ensure that the firewall isn’t hindering the customer’s connection.

Awful storage: Terrible File URLs

Often terrible tệp tin URLs can in lượt thích manner trigger contort 56 errors.

For instance, while trying lớn present PHP on CentOS7 server one of our customers got the error:

  • Stacked modules: fastest mirror, Lang packs
  • repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#56 - "Recv frustration: Connection reset by peer"
  • Trying other mirror.

Here, the customer was using an out-of-date vault, and that caused the error. Likewise, we helped the repo settings on the server and the pack present went on fine.

Still, “cURL Connection Reset by Peer – How vì thế we fix it?”, the history may disregard lớn stack as a result of DNS objective displeasures. In such circumstances, we use them, etc/has reported designing the repo site lớn the right IP address.

Check our our other articles and guides, see our How lớn Use mkdir Command lớn Make or Create a Linux Directory lớn make your Linux Operate the directories better.

Whitespace in the URL

One more customer advanced toward us with an equal issue. On extra assessment, we found whitespace in the URL. We then, taken out whitespace from the URL.

Likewise, in the PHP settings, we added the going with:

  • curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim($url));

Likewise, if whitespace is an authentic piece of the URL, we use rawurlencode () work in PHP. “cURL Connection Reset by Peer – How vì thế we fix it?”, lớn store the URL as encoded including whitespace.


To lắc it out simply, cURL 56 recv frustration connection reset by peer in CentOS happens when the server is inert as a result of running a long connection or on tài khoản of not recommended utilization of URL. Today here at ARZHOST, we saw how our Hosting Expert Planners fixed the error.

People Frequently Ask (FAQs)

Question # 1: What is cURL 35 TCP connection reset by peer?

Answer: Twist issues where associations time out, it is in all probability because of either a security module or custom code transforming anything identified with the REST-API.  Your webserver running old cURL forms that are not generally upheld. Anything in the middle of your trang web server and

Question # 2: What is cURL 56?

Answer: 18. Twist mistake 56 can have distinctive explanations lượt thích Passing information lớn be transferred in URL itself than thở POST solicitation. Presumably, Proxy hinders the solicitation lớn the server. Now and again, servers don’t uphold specific solicitation. Similar lớn certain servers that tư vấn PUT/POST any of them.

Question # 3: What causes Connection reset by peers?

Answer: The blunder message Association reset by peer shows up. If the trang web administrations customer was sitting tight for a SOAP reaction from the remote trang web administrations supplier, and the association was shut rashly. One of the most widely recognized foundations for this blunder is a firewall in the center shutting the association.

Question # 4: What is cURL 52 empty reply from the server?

Answer: twist (52) void answer from server happens when the libcurl didn’t get any reaction from the server after it shipped off its solicitation. Around here at ARZHOST, we have considered a few such twist-related issues lớn be important for our Server Management Services for the trang web has and online specialist organizations.

Question # 5: What is a Java net Socket Exception connection reset?

Answer: Socket Exception: Connection reset. This Socket Exception occurs on the server-side when the client closed the socket connection before the response could be returned over the socket. For example, by quitting the browser before the response was retrieved. Connection reset simply means that a TCP RST was received.

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