I'm having this strange error, CURL ERROR: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
This is how it happens, if I did not connect vĩ đại the server and all of a sudden trying vĩ đại connect vĩ đại the server via CURL in PHP I get the error. When I lập cập the CURL script again the error disappears and then works well the whole time, if I leave the remote server idle for about 30mins or reboot the remote server and try vĩ đại connect again, I get the error again. So it seems lượt thích the connection is idle and then all of sudden the server wakes up and then works and then sleeps again.
This is how my CURL script looks:
$url = Yii::app()->params['pdfUrl'];
$body = 'title='.urlencode($title).'&client_url='.Yii::app()->params['pdfClientURL'].'&client_id='.Yii::app()->params['pdfClientID'].'&content='.urlencode(htmlentities($content));
$c = curl_init ($url);
$body = array(
foreach($body as $key=>$value) { $body_str .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body_str);
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 0);
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 20);
$pdf = curl_exec ($c);
$errorCode = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$curlInfo = curl_getinfo($c);
$curlError = curl_error($c);
curl_close ($c);
I'm totally out of ideas and solutions, please help, I'll appreciate it!!!
If I verbose the output vĩ đại see what happens using
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, TRUE);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_STDERR, $fp);
I get the following
* About vĩ đại connect() vĩ đại port 80 (#0)
* Trying 196.x.x.x... * connected
* Connected vĩ đại 196.x.x.x (196.x.x.x) port 80 (#0)
> POST /serve/?r=pdf/generatePdf HTTP/1.1
Host: 196.x.x.x
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 7115
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Expect: 100-continue
* Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
* Closing connection #0
012 20:23:49 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
< X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3
< Connection: close
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
* Closing connection #0
I've added in the following toe remove the mặc định header and still no luck:
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:' ) );
> Accept: */* Content-Length: 8414 Content-Type:
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> * Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
> * Closing connection #0 r: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) < X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3 < Connection: close < Transfer-Encoding: chunked <
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 <
> * Closing connection #0
asked Apr 23, 2012 at 17:55
36.7k77 gold badges182 silver badges233 bronze badges
The remote server has sent you a RST packet, which indicates an immediate dropping of the connection, rather than thở the usual handshake.
Possible Causes
It might be a TCP/IP issue you need vĩ đại resolve with your host or upgrade your OS most times connection is closed with remote server before it finished downloading the nội dung resulting in Connection reset by peer
B. Kernel Bug
Note that there are some issues with TCP window scaling on some Linux kernels after v2.6.17. See the following bug reports for more information:
C. PHP và CURL Bug
You are using PHP/5.3.3
which has some serious bugs too ... I would advise you vĩ đại work with a more recent version of PHP
and CURL
D. Maximum Transmission Unit
One common cause of this error is that the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size of packets travelling over your network connection has been changed from the mặc định of 1500 bytes.
If you have configured a VPN
this most likely must changed during configuration
D. Firewall: iptables
If you don't know your way around these guys they can cause some serious issues .. try and access the server you are connecting vĩ đại kiểm tra the following
- You have access vĩ đại port 80 on that server
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT`
- The Following is at the last line not before any other ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
Check for ALL DROP, REJECT and make sure they are not blocking your connection
Temporary allow all connection as see if it foes through
Try on a different server or on a remote server ( So many không tính tiền cloud hosting online) and test the same script. If it works then my guesses are correct ... You need vĩ đại update your system
Others Code Related
If Yii::app()->params['pdfUrl']
is a url with https
not including proper SSL settings can also cause this error in old version of curl
Resolution: Make sure OpenSSL is installed and enabled then add this vĩ đại your code
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
33.1k27 gold badges99 silver badges146 bronze badges
answered Apr 27, 2012 at 11:35
95k29 gold badges171 silver badges221 bronze badges
Normally this error means that a connection was established with a server but that connection was closed by the remote server. This could be due vĩ đại a slow server, a problem with the remote server, a network problem, or (maybe) some kind of security error with data being sent vĩ đại the remote server but I find that unlikely.
Normally a network error will resolve itself given a bit of time, but it sounds lượt thích you’ve already given it a bit of time.
cURL sometimes having issue with SSL and SSL certificates. I think that your Apache and/or PHP was compiled with a recent version of the cURL and cURL SSL libraries plus I don't think that OpenSSL was installed in your trang web server.
Although I can not be certain However, I believe cURL has historically been flakey with SSL certificates, whereas, Open SSL does not.
Anyways, try installing Open SSL on the server and try again and that should help you get rid of this error.
answered Apr 30, 2012 at 18:00
7752 gold badges11 silver badges27 bronze badges
I faced same error but in a different way.
When you curl a page with a specific SSL protocol.
curl --sslv3 https://example.com
If --sslv3 is not supported by the target server then the error will be
curl: (35) TCP connection reset by peer
With the supported protocol, error will be gone.
curl --tlsv1.2 https://example.com
answered Mar 19, 2018 at 19:44
1,05314 silver badges18 bronze badges
So what is the URL that Yii::app()->params['pdfUrl']
gives? You say it should be https, but the log shows it's connecting on port 80... which almost no server is setup vĩ đại accept https connections on. cURL is smart enough vĩ đại know https should be on port 443... which would suggest that your URL has something wonky in it like:
That's going vĩ đại cause the connection vĩ đại be terminated, when the Apache at the other over cannot vì thế https communication with you on that port.
You realize your first $body
definition gets replaced when you phối $body
vĩ đại an array two lines later? {Probably just an artifact of you trying vĩ đại solve the problem} You're also not encoding the client_url
and client_id
values (the former quite possibly containing characters that need escaping!) Oh and you're appending vĩ đại $body_str
without first initializing it.
From your verbose output we can see cURL is adding a content-length
header, but... is it correct? I can see some comments out on the internets of that number being wrong (especially with older versions)... if that number was vĩ đại small (for example) you'd get a connection-reset before all the data is sent. You can manually insert the header:
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
array("Content-Length: ". strlen($body_str)));
Oh and there's a handy function http_build_query that'll convert an array of name/value pairs into a URL encoded string for you.
All this rolls up into the final code:
//Open vĩ đại URL
//Send post
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
//Optional: [try with/without]
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Length: ".strlen($post)));
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 0);
curl_setopt ($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 20);
//Collect result
$pdf = curl_exec ($c);
$curlInfo = curl_getinfo($c);
answered Apr 27, 2012 at 17:31
15.9k4 gold badges49 silver badges64 bronze badges
This is a firewall issue, if you are using a VMware application, make sure the firewall on the antivirus is turned off or allowing connections.
If this server is on a secure network, please have a look at firewall rules of the server.
Thanks Ganesh PNS
answered Oct 13, năm ngoái at 5:30
In my case there was problem in URL. I've use https://example.com - but they ensure 'www.' - sánh when i switched vĩ đại https://www.example.com everything was ok. The proper header was sent 'Host: www.example.com'.
You can try make a request in firefox brwoser, persist it and copy as cURL - that how I've found it.
answered Feb 4, năm nhâm thìn at 20:59
6797 silver badges16 bronze badges
We had the same issue, in making a websocket connection vĩ đại the Load Balancer. The issue is in LB, accepting http connection on port 80 and forwarding the request vĩ đại node (tomcat phầm mềm on port 8080). We have changed this vĩ đại accept tcp (http has been changed as 'tcp') connection on port 80. So the first handshake request is forwarded vĩ đại Node and a websocket connection is made successfully on some random( as far as i know, may be wrong) port.
below command has been used vĩ đại test the websocket handshake process.
curl -v -i -N -H "Connection: Upgrade" -H "Upgrade: websocket" -H "Host: localhost" -H "Origin: http://LB URL:80" http://LB URL
- Rebuilt URL to: http:LB URL/
- Trying LB URL...
- Connected vĩ đại LB URL (LB URL) port 80 (#0)
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost User-Agent: curl/7.60.0 Accept: / Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: websocket Origin: http://LB URL:80
- Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
- Closing connection 0 curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
6,17917 gold badges40 silver badges59 bronze badges
answered Dec 4, 2019 at 5:31
This may be because that your TCP connections created by curl requests are not getting closed as soon as the job is done. This may lead vĩ đại an increase in the number of worker_connections an Nginx process can hold and cause the nginx server vĩ đại reset the new connections.
One way we can avoid the issue is by adding --retry and --retry-all-errors flags (available in the latest versions of curl) in your curl request sánh that your curl retries even in the case of connection reset by peer. Also increasing the number of worker_connections in nginx.conf tệp tin can also help you avoid reaching the max limit of TCP connections.
Try vĩ đại close all the open TCP connections as soon as the job is done by the curl request.
answered Jul 19, 2023 at 7:05
In my case, it was proxy settings in my local VM. The request was going vĩ đại proxy which did not know about the server. By passing proxy solved the problem.
answered May 9, 2023 at 11:27
4571 gold badge6 silver badges24 bronze badges
I my one of the application I suddenly stared getting following response.
56 Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
I was able vĩ đại make the request vĩ đại endpoint http://example.com/ws/soap?wsdl using curl.
curl -i http://example.com/ws/soap?wsdl
Also using the SoapUI I was able vĩ đại get the response. But using the Php code vĩ đại vì thế a curl request I was getting 56 Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
I checked in the security software logs and in the WAF logs but found nothing.
I had a code lượt thích following
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $wsdl);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headerArr);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $requestXml);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT ,0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 400);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
Where I was passing the following header
$headerArr = array('Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8',
'SOAPAction: http://sap.com/xi/WebService/soap1.1',
'User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.2.9-2',
'Host: http://example.com/ws/soap?wsdl');
Due vĩ đại some upgrade some setting had changed on the destination application side. After changing the Host from http://example.com/ws/soap?wsdl vĩ đại example.com the issue got fixed.
$headerArr = array('Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8',
'SOAPAction: http://sap.com/xi/WebService/soap1.1',
'User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.2.9-2',
'Host: example.com');
So always try vĩ đại edit the header also, if you are not able vĩ đại find the root cause by other means.
answered Sep 15, 2023 at 16:48
7,73823 gold badges108 silver badges165 bronze badges
Happened when curling a docker container:
docker lập cập -p 3000:3000 myimage
curl localhost:3000
Fixed by binding the docker container vĩ đại
docker lập cập -p myimage
curl localhost:3000
1,6401 gold badge19 silver badges22 bronze badges