Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to tướng each questions.
Your mind's ability to tướng bring back experiences you have had is your memory. There are two kind of remembering, recall and recognition. For instance, you may not be able to tướng recall the poem you read yesterday in class, but if you see it again, you will know it instantly because you recognise it.
Some few people have "total recall", often spoken of as photographic memory. A person with total recall can recite a whole page of a book he has read only once, or play a musical composition after hearing it once. This is very unusual, however, and most people have difficulty in remembering even the names they heard the day before. This is not because most people lack the ability to tướng remember, but because they had not paid much attention to tướng what they heard. They felt no personal reasons to tướng remember. Having a personal reason for remembering is one of the most important factors in a good memory.
When you have a strong reason for remembering, concentrate as you read or listen, and try to tướng connect the new information to tướng things you already know. A detail is easy to tướng remember when it fits into a whole that make sense. If you understand the entire history lesson before you try to tướng remember any particular dates, your memory may surprise you.
1. One way to tướng improve your memory is __________.
A. to tướng ask other people to tướng repeat something again and again
B. to tướng have a camera with you all the time
C. to tướng concentrate on what you listen or read
D. to tướng learn everything you read or hear by heart
2. This article as a whole tells us about __________.
A. people who can remember whole pages
B. people who can’t remember names
C. your memory and how you may improve it
D. recognition as one way to tướng remember things
3. A person with photographic memory __________.
A. can only remember things if he looks at a photograph
B. can remember every detail of what he sees or hears
C. can be found in mental hospitals
D. brings his camera everywhere he goes
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to tướng the passage?
A. Most people lack the ability to tướng remember.
B. Recognition and recall are the two kinds of memory.
C. Your memory is your ability to tướng bring back experiences you had.
D. A person can remember things better if he has a strong reason for doing it.
5. While not directly stated, it may inferred from the article that __________.
A. details are more easily remembered than vãn the whole
B. recall and recognition are the same
C. if one tries hard enough, he can remember as well as another
D. wanting to tướng tự a thing is very important to tướng being able to tướng tự it