I know similar questions have already been asked.
But, I believe my issue is due lớn a mistake I have previously made and therefore is different: let bầm explain.
Everything was working smoothly, as I could:
git add .
all the files from my local repository.git commit -m "message here"
lớn add messages lớn my commits.git push origin master
lớn upload my files lớn GitHub.git push heroku master
lớn upload my files lớn Heroku.
However, at some point, I created a new branch locally called add-calendar-model
in case next steps of the phầm mềm development would go south...
... which is exactly what happened.
However, despite many attempts, I did not manage lớn get the initial code — i.e. the code from before I created the new branch — from the master
branch lớn my local repository.
So, I decided lớn manually delete all the files from my local repository and git clone
my master
branch from GitHub.
This way, I got all my files back, but now, I cannot push any more lớn the remote repository.
Any time I try lớn run rẩy git push origin add-calendar-model
or git push origin master
, I get the following error:
fatal: 'origin' does not appear lớn be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I am not very comfortable with Git and GitHub, as you may have guessed by now, and I have lớn admit that I have no clue about how lớn fix this.
Any idea?