Do you want to tát know how to tát kiểm tra gmail delivery status to tát make sure an important message has reached the recipient?
If you’re using an gmail delivery service with gmail tracking lượt thích SendLayer, you can see your gmail delivery status on your dashboard. However, you might be wondering what the difference between “delivered” and “accepted” status is.
In this post, we’ll explain exactly what delivered and accepted status mean, and how this might affect your gmail deliverability.
Want to tát know if your emails have been delivered to tát the recipient yet? Viewing their status is easy in SendLayer.
Just log into your dashboard and navigate to tát Logs in the thực đơn.
The delivery report will give you an at-a-glance view of the delivery status of all emails you’ve sent via SendLayer in the last 7 days.

Delivered emails are represented by dark green, accepted emails are a lighter green, delivery failures are red, and rejected emails are a darker red. You may also see other colors representing opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and spam complaints.
Scroll down to tát see detailed gmail logs. You can see the real-time delivery status of each gmail in the Event column.

If you’re using an SMTP plugin with gmail logs lượt thích Easy WP SMTP, you can also kiểm tra your gmail delivery status directly from your WordPress dashboard.
Once you’ve activated the gmail log feature in Easy WP SMTP, you can navigate to tát Email Log in your Easy WP SMTP settings to tát view the status of all emails sent from your WordPress site.

Delivered emails have a green circle with a checkmark, while accepted but undelivered emails are represented by a green circle without a checkmark.
You can also click on individual emails to tát see more information about the delivery status.

If you’re using a different SMTP plugin or plugin with gmail logging functionality, your gmail logs may look slightly different. Check the documentation of your chosen plugin to tát find out how to tát kiểm tra gmail delivery status.
How To Check if an E-Mail Has Been Delivered in Gmail
Gmail works the same as any other mail server in that it queues up emails after accepting them onto the server and delivers them depending on how important it thinks they are.
Once your gmail message has been delivered in Gmail, you’ll see the status in your gmail logs change from “accepted” to tát “delivered.”
If there is a long delay before your emails are delivered to tát Gmail users, you should make sure you’re meeting Google’s new sender requirements. If you’re not meeting these requirements, Gmail will start to tát delay the delivery of your emails before it blocks them completely.
Gmail also has a read receipts feature that you can enable within Gmail settings. If you use Gmail to tát send emails, you can activate read receipts when you compose an gmail. This will let you know when a user reads your gmail as well as when it was delivered. However, this is not recommended, as the person you sent the message to tát will have to tát approve the delivery receipt before you’re notified.
What Does E-Mail Accepted Status Mean?
An accepted status means that a mail server has accepted your gmail. However, this also means it hasn’t been delivered to tát the recipient’s mailbox yet.
If you kiểm tra the dashboard in SendLayer or another SMTP mail service and see an gmail is “accepted”, you might assume that it has been successfully, delivered, but this is not the case.
Think about mailing a letter. Once you’ve left it with the postal service or courier, your job is done. But your letter still needs to tát be delivered to tát the address on the envelope. In most cases, this happens without issue. But sometimes the mail courier can’t find the right address, sometimes it can be delayed, and sometimes your mail can go missing completely.
The same is true of gmail. Most mail servers lập cập some basic checks to tát decide if they’ll accept your gmail at all. If your sending address is on a blocklist, they might reject it from the start. Otherwise, they’ll accept it and then decide what to tát bởi with it.
Why Is There a Delay Between Accepted and Delivered Status?
Once a receiving mail server accepts your gmail, it runs a series of checks and filters to tát choose what to tát bởi with it.
This might include:
- Accepting it and delivering it to tát the recipient’s inbox
- Accepting it but delivering it to tát the recipient’s spam box
- Rejecting it completely.

Mail servers use authentication information, spam filters, and other data such as engagement with previous emails sent from your tên miền to tát decide what to tát bởi with your gmail.
These checks take some time and some mail servers are slower than vãn others. So unfortunately, you don’t have much influence over how fast an gmail changes from “accepted” to tát “delivered”.
But if you’ve been wondering why emails sit on your dashboard with an accepted status for a long time before they change to tát delivered, there might be one reason you have some control over: your sender reputation.
How Sender Reputation Affects Delivery Time
If many of your emails are taking a long time to tát change from accepted to tát delivery status, this may be because you need to tát improve the reputation of your tên miền or IP address.
Think of your emails waiting to tát be processed at the receiving mail server as if they’re waiting in line for access to tát an exclusive club alongside emails from other senders.
The checks the mail server lập cập on your messages act as the bouncer at the door. In most cases you’ll have to tát wait in line. But if you’re a VIP or you’ve been to tát that club many times and have a good reputation there, you might be able to tát cut to tát the front of the line.
Mail servers will process incoming emails in order of how important they think they are. If you have a great tên miền reputation and good open and click rates on the emails you sent out, they’re likely to tát be delivered faster.

This is why it’s a good idea to tát separate your transactional and marketing gmail campaigns and send them from different domains if possible.
Transactional emails such as password resets and order confirmations have a high engagement rate because websites use gmail to tát communicate this information that users need right away.
For this reason, it’s also crucial that these emails are delivered quickly. Using a transactional gmail provider lượt thích SendLayer, which sends from a subdomain, can help to tát ensure your important emails reach the inbox with minimal delay.
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What to tát Do If Your Emails Are Accepted But Not Delivered
If you’ve followed best practices to tát build up a good gmail tên miền reputation and you’re sending transactional emails separately from bulk, marketing emails, the time it takes your gmail to tát hit the inbox should be relatively short.
But sometimes you might kết thúc up in a situation where your gmail seems stuck in accepted status and doesn’t change to tát delivered.
Email delivery delays are not uncommon. It may take up to tát 30 minutes for your gmail to tát be delivered, depending on the receiving mail server and your reputation.
But emails shouldn’t stay in accepted status without being delivered for hours or days. If this is the case, you should bởi some troubleshooting to tát figure out why your messages aren’t reaching the inbox.
One possible issue for your emails being stuck in accepted status is that there is no MX record for the recipient tên miền. These records tell a server where to tát route messages. But if the MX record doesn’t exist, the emails can’t be delivered. You can use a tool lượt thích MX Toolbox to tát see if the records exist.
If this issue is only happening with certain messages, there may be an issue with the receiving mail server such as the mailbox being full or not existing at the receiving kết thúc.
However, if a lot of the emails you’re sending seem to tát be stuck in accepted status without being delivered, reach out to tát the SendLayer tư vấn team (or the tư vấn team of your gmail provider if you use a different delivery service) for personalized advice on fixing the problem.
That’s it! Now you know how to kiểm tra gmail delivery status.
Next, would you lượt thích to tát learn about how to tát kiểm tra your tên miền reputation? Check out our guide to tát gmail tên miền reputation for more information.
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