it 342 - quiz 6.4.5 Flashcards


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Permissions give you the ability đồ sộ tự which of the following?

Assign members of the Admins group read-only access đồ sộ the files in the Marketing thư mục on the CorpFiles server.

Click on the user rights policy that is used đồ sộ grant a user local access đồ sộ the desktop of a Windows server.

Assign members of the Marketing group read-write access đồ sộ the files in the Marketing thư mục on the CorpFiles server.

Which group is the Allow log on locally right assigned đồ sộ by mặc định for workstations and thành viên servers?

You want đồ sộ give the TPlask user the right đồ sộ log on đồ sộ any of the domain name controllers in your domain name and gain access đồ sộ the desktop. This user does not belong đồ sộ any of the mặc định groups that have the Allow log on locally right by mặc định.
Which of the following steps can you take đồ sộ give the Allow log on locally right đồ sộ this user? (Select two. Each correct answer is a complete solution.)

Use Active Directory Users and Computers đồ sộ add the TPlask user trương mục đồ sộ the Administrators group.
Use Group Policy Management Editor đồ sộ add the TPlask user trương mục đồ sộ the Allow log on locally policy.

Which of the following can be configured using permissions?

Click on the user rights policy that is used đồ sộ grant a user local access đồ sộ the desktop of a Windows server.

You are managing rights on a standalone server. You want đồ sộ make changes đồ sộ the settings of the Restore files and directories policy.
Which of the following is the tool you must use đồ sộ make changes đồ sộ this policy?

Local Group Policy Editor

Allow members of the Admins group đồ sộ back up the files in the Marketing thư mục on the CorpFiles server.

Assign members of the Admins group read-only access đồ sộ the files in the Marketing thư mục on the CorpFiles server.

Allow members of the Admins group đồ sộ restore the files in the Marketing thư mục on the CorpFiles server.

Assign members of the Marketing group read-write access đồ sộ the files in the Marketing thư mục on the CorpFiles server.

Allow members of the Admins group đồ sộ log on locally đồ sộ the CorpFiles server.

Allow members of the Admins group đồ sộ shut down the CorpFiles server.

Allow members of the Marketing group đồ sộ send print jobs đồ sộ the Marketing color printer.

Permissions give you the ability đồ sộ tự which of the following?

Which of the following requires rights đồ sộ perform the action?

Allow members of the IT group đồ sộ back up the files in the Sales thư mục on the SalesData server.

You configure user rights using which Windows policy?