LĂNG XĂNG - nghĩa trong tiếng Tiếng Anh


The players have enough problems, but when you add a meddlesome board that wants only yes men around this is what you get.

It's been protected from meddlesome hikers by the threat of prison time.

I don't believe in a meddlesome state, but freedom also has its limits.

Not meddlesome in an irritating and frustrating way, lượt thích a lot of star actors are infamous for, but in a sweet and encouraging manner.

According vĩ đại him, the board apart from being "meddlesome", it has also outlived its usefulness vĩ đại the guild.

The busybody, for the first time perhaps in the history of the world, has been taken at his own estimate of himself.

He told busybodies it was a storm shelter.

I am sánh grateful vĩ đại you for being prepared vĩ đại converse with an interfering busybody during this immensely difficult time.

It may be better vĩ đại live under robber barons phàn nàn under omnipotent moral busybodies.

Finally, there are the lone rangers, the individual busybodies who tệp tin cases.