Pros and Cons of the GUI's - Mac & Windows

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  • #1

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each OS? Nice features? Things missing?

Don't post without screenies - it will save us a lot of pointless babble.

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  • #2

Don't post without screenies?


The advantages of Windows 2000 are that you can bởi THIS:

View image:

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Mind you part of the Pro is that all this is without ever rebooting.

Which is a Win2k OS thing and not a Win2k GUI thing.

But the last shot, courtesy of Handor, shows the coolest toolbar ever.

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  • #3

Nice.. but I'm talking GUI, not OS capabilities. The last screenie qualifies - all the other ones don't. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

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  • #4

But the last shot, courtesy of Handor, shows the coolest toolbar ever.

No offense đồ sộ Handor, but I'm pretty happy that I can't bởi that on my Macintosh (AFAIK).

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  • #5

/handor abstains from comment, assuming Picotine doesn't know which toolbar he's talking about and what that represents. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

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  • #6


No offense đồ sộ Handor, but I'm pretty happy that I can't bởi that on my Macintosh (AFAIK).

You're happy that your platform of choice gives you less flexibility phàn nàn Windows?


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  • #7

/handor abstains from comment, assuming Picotine doesn't know which toolbar he's talking about and what that represents.

I was actually referring đồ sộ the one with the millions of tiny icons. That would give má a massive headache.

But you've piqued my interest - what does it do?

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  • #9

Yes, that's the one. Basically it's PeterB's one-click mecca, though it doesn't have the area requirement satisfied.

The top is the Quick Launch. It's included by mặc định in the W2K interface. It's just the five or six (well, any number, but I personally advice fewer phàn nàn nine) most frequently used apps. I usually keep a shortcut đồ sộ explorer, outlook, the console window, IE, and a couple miscellaneous ones.

The next one down is your desktop. It's in complete synch with the desktop, so sánh you can drag things đồ sộ and from it and have it copied lượt thích dragging to/from the desktop. Also, anything saved đồ sộ the desktop will appear there. It's not necessarily đồ sộ replace the desktop, but gives you quick access đồ sộ everything you've got there if you need it and don't want đồ sộ have đồ sộ giảm giá with minimizing. The key here is spatial memory and a general recognition of the icons.

The next one is the Windows Control Panel. This is about the most convenient way I've ever seen it accessed. If you use the control panel as much as I bởi, it can REALLY help.

The last one is the Admin tools, which is a subportion of the Control Panel. I just added it so sánh I don't have đồ sộ drill so sánh far đồ sộ get đồ sộ things lượt thích the IIS admin or the Computer Manager. Also very useful.

It seems daunting at first, but you get đồ sộ be a wiz at it really fast. It corresponds đồ sộ things you presumably know and use already.

Oh, and it also autohides đồ sộ the left side when you're not using it, and stays on top. So it uses about three pixels of screen estate and is always ready, no matter what phầm mềm you're using.

Now judge it if you must.

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  • #10


LB, please don't troll.

I was asking a serious question.


I was actually referring đồ sộ the one with the millions of tiny icons. That would give má a massive headache.

Well, that's what you get when you have millions of available applications. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

For má, it is not headache-inducing at all. It gives má one-click access đồ sộ everything on my desktop (updated dynamically!) and everything in my quick launch bar and everything in the Control Panel, including Admin utilities.

So, for example, if a piece of software asks má đồ sộ open My Computer, then Control Panel, then Internet Settings, or some such, I just move the mouse đồ sộ the left of the screen and click on one button.

Neat, eh? All thanks đồ sộ Handor.

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  • #11

Yes, that's the one.

Ah OK. The auto-magically refreshing desktop area is kind of neat.

But it's too much noise for má, and I guess I don't need đồ sộ use all of the control panels often enough đồ sộ qualify needing it.

I'm no người hâm mộ of auto-hide either, as I've blathered on about before.

Edit: Handor, is that something you've written?

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  • #12

Picotine: No, it's a native part of the W2K (and 98, I think) GUI. No special software needed, and it takes about a minute and a half. I configure all machines that I'm going đồ sộ use for any extended period of time with this configuration.

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  • #14

Well, of course you probably know that you can get that view with labels. You just click on the bar and select 'show labels'. However, this reduces the sheer volume of stuff you can shove in there.

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  • #15

I have > 60 icons.

I need labels on them.

And frankly, I think your idea looks asstastic.

It's messy.

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  • #16

Handor, how often bởi you go into the keyboard or mouse properties in the control panel?

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  • #17

I was asking a serious question.

View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

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  • #18

Au contraire.

Still, it's up đồ sộ you. Even with >60 icons, you could get it fast in two clicks if you separated your desktop into four or five category folders and having each be a separate panel on the bar. Leave the title on, and then just doubleclick the name of the bar and select your program. When you click the bar, it will expand đồ sộ fill the availalbe area, so sánh all your icons should be visible.

But I know your keyboard-click routine, so sánh I won't argue the point. I just don't lượt thích having đồ sộ minimize and the re-maximize đồ sộ get back where I was.

I guess I don't see it as disorganized. Oh, well. Different minds, I suppose.

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  • #19


Not often. The next question is, who cares? I use enough stuff in there that having everything there is far better phàn nàn nothing. I'll be willing đồ sộ bet you don't regularly use everything on your desktop each hour of the day. Still, doesn't mean you shouldn't keep it there. And, if you're overly concerned about real estate, just copy the things you bởi use đồ sộ a thư mục and use that instead of the Control Panel.

No biggie.

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  • #20

I don't have đồ sộ unminimize, though... that happens all by itself.

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  • #21

PeterB: All by itself? Which keystrokes are you using?

And back đồ sộ Martin007, if screen real estate is indeed what you're driving at, I don't consider a few squares among the many that much of a loss of real estate.

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  • #22


Starting a task starts it in the size/position its shortcut specifies (mine all specify maximize).

And switching đồ sộ a task will restore it đồ sộ its last non-minimized size/postion.

I don't need đồ sộ unminimize; that comes "free" when I start a task or switch tasks.

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  • #23

PeterB: Oh. I thought you meant you could restore all windows đồ sộ their unminimized state through this. That's fine, if you're only trying đồ sộ use the one phầm mềm you're starting. But if I just quickly want đồ sộ start WMP or WinAmp or Explorer and I've got several windows positioned, it's just more convenient for má đồ sộ flick the mouse over and lập cập the program rather phàn nàn minimizing, clicking, and then re-establishing my setup.

Not that there's anything wrong with the way you bởi it. It just inconveniences quick actions if you've got a window setup you don't want đồ sộ lose.

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  • #24

Winamp is in my Startup thư mục, and is also on my Quicklaunch bar.

WMP is on quicklaunch.

Explorer is Win+E and also ctrl-alt-E. Ctrl-alt-E returns a particular window đồ sộ the foreground (the window whose shortcut has ctrl-alt-E assigned đồ sộ it).

I don't generally want đồ sộ start an Explorer window and bởi nothing with it, so sánh I don't generally need đồ sộ switch straight back đồ sộ my previous task.

Honestly, I find there is little need đồ sộ un-minimize-all, because merely switching tasks performs that action.

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  • #25

PeterB: OK, so sánh I happened đồ sộ choose some bad examples. My point was just that if I have apps or desktop items or control panel things (network connections or something) that I need đồ sộ get đồ sộ, I lượt thích đồ sộ have access đồ sộ it all.

It doesn't matter. Feel miễn phí đồ sộ insult má (as sometimes seems đồ sộ be your wont), but I see clear advantages. I also see reason behind some of the arguments con cái. But if you can handle lableless icons, minimization is just one action that's unnecessary and fiddles with the way I've got my screen organized. This is miễn phí (with autohide) and give má access đồ sộ 90% of anything I ever need with one click. No moving menus, no drill downs, and it's all where I left it. So if I happen đồ sộ have three windows tiled and phối đồ sộ go, and I need đồ sộ establish a VPN connection đồ sộ our hosting center for a particular operation, I can just lập cập over and bởi that. No reorganizations, no drilldowns. It's just done, lượt thích that.

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  • #26

Sorry Handor, I didn't realize that the thực đơn minimizes itself - infact, now that I think of it, this is the way I have it too. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

(I thought that thực đơn was stationed there permanently, basically wasting space most of the time)

My bad.

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  • #27

Heh. No. That would indeed be an eyesore and a lot of wasted space.

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  • #28

Ooh, lets keep this up...


View image:

Hells yeah.

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  • #29

If you wish, stanfinger. I personally prefer đồ sộ keep everything static when I can, so sánh that I don't need đồ sộ click again đồ sộ access everything. I was just proposing đồ sộ PeterB a solution đồ sộ preserve the non-desktop way of doing things. But it doesn't really matter, since he's got a good way of doing things now (good for him, I mean; I'd need đồ sộ get used đồ sộ it).

Still, if that's how you lượt thích it, more power đồ sộ you. The GUI is flexible enough đồ sộ accomodate most ways of doing things.

Whoa, what was that? An on-topic statement? View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Bleh, stanfinger! Is that AOL in your QuickLaunch?!


Ars Legatus Legionis
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  • #31

just because this debate has been milked for all it's worth, i'll piss a big screenshot on it.

i can change my whole OS and built in apps đồ sộ any desired language with a radio button. the same apps lập cập in Japanese, and i don't need đồ sộ reboot or anything.

View image:

View image:


Ars Legatus Legionis
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  • #32

oh and Baldrick, showing a PC version of Napster in an UI thread is about as funny as it gets. that's one phầm mềm that sucks baaaad on PCs. the Carbon Mac version is not made with those shite VB panes.

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  • #33

And don't forget. OS X has lickable Japanese fonts in addition đồ sộ its lickable widgets. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif


Ars Legatus Legionis
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  • #34

Wow. So Win2K has a 'Dock' too? I never knew.

Tell má - bởi all those itty-bitty icons magnify (with labels) when you mouse over them?

View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
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  • #35

The fact of the matter is the GUI in Win2k can be whatever the fuck you want it đồ sộ be. You can't beat that.

End of discussion.

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  • #36

BenN: Were you just trying đồ sộ annoy the Mac users, or was that a real question?

If it was for real, you could bởi that since Win98 at least, IIRC. And it would be more appropriate đồ sộ say, 'Oh, now Mac users get a dock, too?' Of course it's not called a dock in Windows.

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  • #37

The fact of the matter is the GUI in Win2k can be whatever the fuck you want it đồ sộ be. You can't beat that.

Word. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

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  • #38

Now if only I could find a case that I could lick. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

My tìm kiếm for the perfect platform would be over. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif


Ars Scholae Palatinae
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  • #39

IIRC. And it would be more appropriate đồ sộ say, 'Oh, now Mac users get a dock, too?' Of course it's not called a dock in Windows.

But it's still a ripoff of NeXT, right? And since Apple owns NeXT, I guess it could be considered a ripoff of Apple.


Ars Scholae Palatinae
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  • #40

The fact of the matter is the GUI in Win2k can be whatever the fuck you want it đồ sộ be. You can't beat that.

End of discussion.

Hahaha, I've been saying that exact thing about OS 8.x. And its true. Truer phàn nàn you damn well imagine. OS X takes it đồ sộ a whole new level though. In a few months it will be obvious.