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Introduction to lớn Algorithms
3rd Edition•ISBN: 9780262033848 (2 more)Charles E. Leiserson, Clifford Stein, Ronald L. Rivest, Thomas H. Cormen
889 solutions
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RSA and Diffie-Hellman are asymmetric algorithms. RSA, one of the earliest encryption algorithms, can also be used for digital signatures. The Diffie-Hellman Protocol was created in 1976 but is still in use today in technologies such as SSL, SSH, and IPsec.
Which of the following security solutions would prevent a user from reading a tệp tin that she did not create?
You have transferred an encrypted tệp tin across a network using the Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol. What happens to lớn the file's encryption?
-An encrypted tệp tin cannot be moved using SMB.
-The tệp tin is unencrypted when moved.
-The encryption inherits from the new location.
-The encryption carries over to lớn the new location.
Which of the following algorithms are used in asymmetric encryption?
(Select two.)
Which of the following can be classified as a stream cipher?
Which of the following items are contained in a digital certificate? (Select two.) Public key
Root CA secret key
Private key
Validity period
Public key Validity period
Cryptographic systems provide which of the following security services? (Select two.) Non-repudiation
Which of the following algorithms are used in asymmetric encryption?
(Select two.)
-RSA RSA and Diffie-Hellman are asymmetric algorithms. RSA, one of the earliest encryption algorithms, can also be used for digital signatures. The Diffie-Hellman Protocol was created in 1976 but is still in use today in technologies such as SSL, SSH, and IPsec.
What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
symmetric- uses the same key to lớn encrypt and decrypt data. asymmetric- uses 2 keys instead of one. A user's public key is used to lớn encrypt the data. That user then uses their private key to lớn decrypt the data. The private key only decrypts data that was encrypted using its matching public key.
Which algorithms can be used to lớn generate a hash?
What does a digital signature provide?
A digital signature verifies that the data is legitimate and provides non-repudiation. This means the sender cannot deny having sent the tệp tin.
What is a legitimate use for steganography?
What are uses of blockchain in addition to lớn cryptocurrency?
monitor supply-chains
retail loyalty programs
What type of attack uses a large list of common words and phrases?
The science and study of concealing information
The process or formula used to lớn encrypt a message or otherwise hide the message's meaning
A string of bits randomly generated using a special cypher. An encryption key is used to lớn encrypt or decrypt data.
The encrypted khuông of a message that is readable only to lớn those for whom the message is intended.
the practice of concealing a tệp tin, message, image or video clip within another tệp tin, message, image or video clip.
A decentralized and distributed ledger of transactions between two or more parties.