Solution for Unable to Find End of Central Dir Record Signature Error


Encountering the “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)” error message can be frustrating when you’re trying to tát install a new WordPress plugin.

This error message indicates that there is an issue with the plugin’s zip tệp tin format. But don’t worry, resolving this error is often quite simple. Here’s a breakdown of what might be causing the problem and how to tát fix it.

What Does the “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)” Error Mean?

The PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to tát find End of Central Dir Record signature error is caused by one of two things as below:

Case 1: There’s a problem with the zip tệp tin or its format.

It’s possible that the plugin zip tệp tin became corrupted when it was downloaded. Try downloading it from your trương mục on our store and install (or update manually).

Case 2: Server Disk Space Issue

If you still receive the same error while trying to tát install the zip manually, then it may mean that there’s not enough storage space on your host for WordPress to tát be able to tát unzip and upload the contents of the tệp tin.

To confirm this, try to tát upload other files to tát your sites, such as an image, đoạn phim or other plugin. If you’re not able to tát upload large files, then storage space is likely the issue.

You can either remove some files (backups or themes và plugin that you’re not using) or tương tác your trang web host to tát increase your storage capacity.

We hope this document has equipped you with the knowledge to tát fix the “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)” error and successfully install your WordPress plugin.

If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, feel không tính phí to tát leave a comment below.