root@server # tar fcz bkup.tar.gz /home/foo/
tar: Removing leading `/' from thành viên names

How can I solve this problem and keep the / on tệp tin names ?


17.2k8 gold badges72 silver badges91 bronze badges

asked Dec 23, 2012 at 12:47


If you want to tát get rid of "Removing leading `/' from thành viên names" being printed to tát STDERR, but still want to tát leave off those leading slashes as tar wisely does by mặc định, I saw an excellent solution here by commenter timsoft.

The solution involves using -C option to tát change directory to tát the root (/), then specifying the tệp tin tree to tát archive without a leading slash, because now you only need a relative path. This does the same thing as a normal tar create command, but no stripping is needed:

tar fcz bkup.tar.gz -C / home/foo/

answered Jan 18, 2013 at 15:33


Use the --absolute-names or -P option to tát disable this feature.

tar fczP bkup.tar.gz /home/foo
tar fcz bkup.tar.gz --absolute-names /home/foo


5072 gold badges8 silver badges25 bronze badges

answered Dec 23, 2012 at 12:57


That's actually a feature, not a problem. Archives with absolute locations are a security risk. Attackers could use such archives to tát trick users into installing files in critical system locations.

Yes, you could use -P. But what's wrong with allowing tar to tát remove the forward slash, and simply requiring the user of the archive to tát explicitly tự the extraction in the root directory? Then they're consciously impacting critical system locations, and can't tự it by accident.

answered Dec 23, 2012 at 15:28


One month late, but I found the most appropriate solution for my case (in a shell script) is to tát go to tát the parent directory and execute the command there.

cd /var/www/
tar -czf mysite.gz mysite

Instead of:

tar -czf /var/www/mysite.gz /var/www/mysite

answered May 24, năm ngoái at 6:52


This is how I did it by using brute force method: 2>&1 | grep -v "Removing leading".

For example:

tar -cf "$BKUPDIR/${BKUPFILE}.tar" --overwrite --exclude '.*' --one-file-system "$SRCDIR" 2>&1 | grep -v  "Removing leading"


21.6k18 gold badges148 silver badges169 bronze badges

answered Aug 23, 2013 at 1:00


Try to tát use -C for path only which would prevent compressing with complete paths:

root@server # tar fcz bkup.tar.gz -C /home/ foo/

answered Jul 25, 2017 at 10:35

I solved this problem with:

cd /home/foo && tar czf ~/backup.tar.gz .

that way you aren't trying to tát put absolute paths into the tar archive in the first place. If you want untar it at the root of the tệp tin system you just

cd / && tar xzf backupt.tar.gz after transferring it.

answered Jul 21, 2017 at 15:44

The path of the archive when specified causes this informational message, you can tự the following to tát resolve it:

tar -zvcf /tmp/mike.tar.gz -P /tmp/mike


tar -zvcf mike.tar.gz -P /tmp/mike


tar -zvcf mike.tar.gz /tmp/mike

Note: it is not an error, just informational.

answered Jun 5, 2020 at 21:20

its not a feature, its a bug. removing absolute paths creates an unextractable archive if path data gets fooey somehow. tar spits out the error and refuses to tát extract anything. better to tát use tardy to tát filter the path first.

answered Aug 21, 2020 at 8:47


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