which one of these translates human readable words to ip addresses for the computer


From Words to tát Numbers: The Magic Behind Domain Name Resolution

Have you ever wondered how your computer understands a trang web address lượt thích "google.com" when it only speaks the language of numbers (IP addresses)? The answer lies in a critical process called domain name resolution.

This process acts lượt thích a translator, converting human-readable tên miền names (like "google.com") into the numerical IP addresses that computers use to tát communicate. Let's delve deeper into this fascinating world.

The Question:

Which system translates human-readable words (like "google.com") to tát IP addresses (like for a computer to tát understand?

The Answer:

The system responsible for this translation is the Domain Name System (DNS). It's lượt thích a global phonebook for the mạng internet, mapping tên miền names to tát their corresponding IP addresses.

How it Works:

  1. Request: When you type a trang web address into your browser, your computer sends a request to tát a local DNS server.
  2. Search: The DNS server checks its local cache for the IP address associated with the tên miền name. If it's not found, it initiates a recursive tìm kiếm across the DNS hierarchy.
  3. Resolution: The DNS server queries root servers, top-level tên miền servers, and eventually authoritative name servers for the tên miền in question.
  4. Response: Once the IP address is found, it's sent back to tát your computer, allowing it to tát connect to tát the trang web.

Why is DNS ví important?

  • User-Friendly: DNS makes the mạng internet accessible to tát everyone by eliminating the need to tát remember complex IP addresses.
  • Efficiency: DNS helps optimize mạng internet traffic by reducing the number of requests sent to tát servers.
  • Flexibility: DNS allows trang web owners to tát change their IP addresses without affecting the website's accessibility.

A Real-World Example:

Imagine you're trying to tát điện thoại tư vấn your friend. Instead of remembering their phone number, you only remember their name. You pick up your phone, type their name into your tương tác list, and the phone automatically dials their number. This is similar to tát how DNS works: you type in the trang web address, and DNS finds the corresponding IP address for you.

Further Exploration:

  • DNS Hierarchy: The DNS is organized in a hierarchical structure, starting with root servers and ending with authoritative servers.
  • DNS Caching: Local DNS servers cache resolved IP addresses, speeding up subsequent requests for the same tên miền.
  • DNS Security: Threats lượt thích DNS poisoning and cache snooping highlight the importance of securing the DNS system.


Domain name resolution is a fundamental process that makes the mạng internet function smoothly. By translating human-readable words into machine-readable numbers, DNS enables us to tát access the vast world of information online with ease.


  • Domain Name System (DNS): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System
  • DNS Hierarchy: https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/dns-hierarchy/

Note: The IP address for "google.com" used in this article is for illustrative purposes and may change.